Wednesday, December 05, 2007
A letter to my 10-year old self
Mermaids are lonely creatures…
Hello, mermaid. You’re ten years old now, and the vast ocean is right there for you. Wide-eyed and innocent, the depths are full of wonders to explore. Before you begin your journey, listen to someone who has been there and back again.
I am you twenty-six years from the time you are reading this.
Right now, you are feeling quite alone. I remember that. I remember the other girls picking on you in school. It’s not easy. Those tears you shed are real and some people think you’re just acting out. Most adults think it’s a shallow thing to cry about.
Don’t worry. It will all be ok. Remember that.
More than anyone else around you, you will be telling that to yourself. No one else will understand you the way you do. In time, some will come close, but that will take quite some time yet.
People will try to tell you what to do and you will wonder if you should trust them. Ah, but that’s a dilemma I still wrestle with until now. But, you know what? I have found out over the years that there is one simple principle underlying the answer to that question: do what you know is right and good.
But then, here is the kicker: doing what is right and good isn’t always easy. That is why you have to learn. And learning will not always be a happy thing to do. Sometimes it comes with great pain. After all of it, you have what you’ve learned, and no one can take that from you.
You know what else no one can ever take from you? Yourself. You as this person who has so much to give. You as this person who can love like no one can. You as this person who has so much to offer if only people just stopped and took notice.
So no one is looking just yet. That’s just fine. Sometimes, being lost in the crowd has its advantages. When you’re invisible, there are things you can do. Just remember that you have to do what is right and good. In time, people will see that. In time, they will notice that. And all you need to do is be your good self and be patient.
The tides will come. The undertow can drag you off unexpectedly. The reefs will change. And all you know will turn into something else. It’s just change. Everything changes, just as you do. Take stock of what you have and what you are: you are a special mermaid.
So swim on, and swim proud in being yourself.
PS. No, I won’t tell you what will happen to you. That’ll spoil the fun out of your journey.
Friday, October 26, 2007
An Essay: To submit or not?
Oh my God, I’m in midlife?!?>?>?>
By Ginnie Faustino-Galgana
I know. I know. Most women at my age would rather simply deny the fact that we have aged, albeit gracefully. Isn’t it a “sin” for anyone to ask a woman her age? But I can’t deny it anymore, wherever I look, I am reminded about it anyway. Just recently, I was conducting an interview and my 32 year-old interviewee said that he is already a “Thunder Cat” – a local slang for “old.” At 37, I told him that would make me “Jurassic.”
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am 37 years old and not denying it. I never really had to actually. Ever since I became exposed to the other gender (or genders – I do have to be politically correct here, right?), men wouldn’t usually guess my correct age. It had actually become a gauge for me when they do try to guess. If they said any age about ten years younger than what it should be, I knew they were flirting. If I heard an estimate about five years younger than my real age, then I’d know he was telling the truth. I would always answer honestly after making them sweat it through the guessing game and what I thought of their answers. And that would establish that I didn’t want to be messed with.
That was then – about ten or so years ago. I was young. I was healthy. And I thought everything will pile neatly at my feet, just like that. What did I know? Of course I’ve made mistakes. And I have had to pay dearly for each of them. Things went so low that I actually alarmed my parents and siblings all the way in the United States. After sobbing through long distance calls and getting my pillow wet on cold days, here I am now at mid-life. Man, have I aged.
So what’s changed? Lots! Way too much for a short essay, at least. Let me just say that now I understand my mother more and I don’t hate her at all. Don’t ask about the hate part, that’s a long story that’s not meant for this. And now, I can honestly say that I have come full circle, sort of.
You see, over the years, I established a career in communications, doing projects and going corporate every so often. Then a couple of years ago, my life took a tailspin and went out of control. The department I belonged to got dissolved and everybody in it were let go. At my age and my level, there isn’t a lot of opportunities available. I’m not exactly entry level anymore. While I could always try going for a call center job, it would be a whole new start. And do I really want to start with something that I didn’t really want to do in the first place? Call me picky. Call me proud, but I have to say that I want to stay in a job and be happy with it.
Applications were sent en masse, but calls for interviews took long in coming, too far apart and were quite sparse. Was I so undesirable?
At the same time, my daughter’s grades were plunging to depths I never imagined I would actually ever see for her. Do I go back to work or do I help her out? If I helped her out, how do we even afford her school?
What was a mother in mid-life crisis to do?
I brooded. I cried. I vented. I got so depressed no one could cheer me up, not even my pretty little girl who would offer innocent commiseration for what she could not understand. All she knew was that Mama was sad and she didn’t like it. I got sick too. Then the call came.
My parents had been priming my sister for this, apparently. They knew I was in a really deep rut. They knew my sister can and would help me. That was the helping hand I direly needed. My sister called and said she would sponsor my further studies in Nursing. And my mom said they’ll help with the daily expenses in the meantime. Man, I love my family!!!
What’s the full circle? You see the nursing part of my story didn’t start with my sister or parents. It started with me more than 20 years ago. Even in my teen years when I was choosing a course for college, I had already told everybody that I wanted to be a nurse. In fact, in one of the aptitude tests we took in high school, I even put medicine as a career of choice just because there was no option for nursing. It confirmed that I did have the aptitude to take medicine, given the chance.
There’s the rub right there. The chance never really came. My parents – the loving, protective and traditional folk that they were – wanted me to enter a prestigious school that would “ensure” my future. Their school of choice did not offer any course in nursing or medicine. I passed their entrance exam and, of course, that sealed my fate. Goodbye nursing… until now.
I am now registered in a school that will teach me using the U.S. curriculum for an associate degree in nursing. I am finally going to be a nurse, and I will graduate in time for my 40th birthday.
The reinvention is currently taking place, and I am quite excited about it. Just like Molly Kagan in Starter Wife, I am going back to do something that took a backseat just as I was at my prime. But then, who is to say that I am not at my prime right now? At long last, I am going to be a nurse! I’m giddy like a little girl getting the doll she wished for on Christmas morning. It’s finally happening; and all thanks to my loving family who stayed close even when they’re miles and miles away! This “mid-life” thing? It didn’t stand a chance against a strong bond and the love that goes with it, just like Molly and her friends. Take that, “mid-life!”
And they said “life begins at 40” is a cliché.
- 30 -
The Starter Wife Promo

If you enjoy watching The Starter Wife on the Hallmark Channel every Sunday evening at 9:30 PM, I invite you to join this fun trivia and essay contest brought to you by the Hallmark Channel and Powerbooks.
Midlife, the years between the ages of 35 to 55 is such an exciting period in any woman's life. There are many changes in our bodies, emotions, careers and personal life. Molly Kagan, portrayed by Emmy award-winning actress Debra Messing, shows us how a woman in her 40s re-invents her life after an unexpected divorce from her Hollywood husband ends her into a momentary tailspin. If you, like Molly, have experienced some-life changing events and managed to re-invent yourself, we would like to hear from you. Please see below our contest mechanics for both our mini-essay contest and our weekly trivia contest that starts on October 29, 2007. Great prizes that every mid-lifer wouldl certainly enjoy are up for grabs. PLUS if you win the essay contest, your essay and your photo will be featured here in this blog and in select newspapers and magazines.
Watch The Starter Wife weekly to join our weekly trivia contest and/or share with us your mid-life joys and triumphs via our essay contest. I look forward to hearing from you!
Life begins at 40. The sexy, savvy and wickedly funny television show, The Starter Wife, on the Hallmark Channel gives you two ways to win fun and exciting prizes that'll keep you attractive and beautiful even in midlife.
WEEKLY TRIVIA CONTEST (The weekly trivia contest is open to everyone and runs for 4 weeks – starting October 29, 2007.)
• A weekly trivia question and the corresponding prize will be posted every Monday ( in a specially dedicated entry entitled – STARTER WIFE TRIVIA and on the right hand-side corner of this blog, beneath the the Starter Wife logo.
• Trivia question for the week will be about the previous episode of The Starter Wife mini-series.
• All answers must be received by no later than Friday, four days after the question was posted.
• Winners can win gift certificates from Powerbooks, The SPA, a Starter Wife Novel, Starter Wife Twin Mugs, Starter Wife notebooks or Starter Wife His and Hers Towel Set.
• This contest will run from October 29 to November 23, 2007 only.
• You may submit answers online to midlifemysteries@
• Winner for the week will be announced every Saturday. Winners may claim their prizes by calling up Buensalido & Associates PR at 817.44.71 or 892.35.20.
STARTER WIFE ESSAY CONTEST (The Starter Wife Essay Contest invites women aged 35-55 to make us laugh, cry or simply inspire us on how they reinvented themselves at midlife.)
• All essays MUST be a maximum of 500 words in length, written in English, and must answer the question: HOW I REIVENTED MYSELF AT
• Submit your unpublished essay, typed, and in a standard essay format (double-spaced; 8.5" x 11"; one-inch margins on all sides; 12 pt. Times New Roman or Trebuchet) along with the CD containing the word file. Write your name, age, contact numbers and a paragraph about yourself.
• All essays must be postmarked by November 11, 2007, and received by no later than midnight of November 17, 2007. Late entries will be disqualified.
• There will be a grand prize winner and two runner-ups. The grand prize winner will get gift certificates from The SPA and Powerbooks, Starter Wife novel, and Starter Wife Premium items.
• This contest is open to all women aged 35-55 and residents of the Philippines. Employees and immediate family members of Hallmark Channel and their advertising and PR agencies are not allowed to join.
• You can submit your entries online to midlifemysteries@
• The winners of the contest will be announced on November 25, 2007.
Winners may claim their prizes by calling up Buensalido & Associates PR at 817.44.71 or 892.35.20.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Desperate Housewives Anti-Filipino Medical Training Slur

About 19 minutes into the first episode of season 4 of the hit ABC series Desperate Housewives, Susan (played by Teri Hatcher), while in denial about approaching menopause, says "Wait, before we go on. Can I just check those diplomas because I'd like to make sure they're not from some medical school in the Philippines."
To ABC and the scriptwriters and Ms. Hatcher:
That isn't very nice of you to say about doctors from my country. Surely, you could've phrased that is a better way. You wouldn't want a movie to be saying things about your hard-working professionals that way, wouldn't you?
Sunday, September 23, 2007
A New Voice
I've actually done voice over for a few corporate AVP's but there is nothing like affirmation from real industry professionals, namely, the guys at Creative Voices Productions (
You see, a friend of mine has been telling me I have a good voice, and since I have done a fair
share of interviews of artists and musicians, the same friend tapped me to co-host the
podcasts for his website. The site? The friend is the erstwhile
webmaster Jay de Jesus, more fondly known as JayDJ.
So, we went to the studios of Creative Voices. While waiting for our featured guest, Christian
Bautista, the guys were showing off their equipment and portfolio. As time went on, we started
goofing off with each other. Soon enough, we were doing our fair share of voices. Then, their
CEO, Pocholo Gonzales, said, "You know what? Maganda naman ang boses mo a.
I-record natin yung voice profile mo mamaya ha." And before the night was over, I officially
became a part of their pool of voice talents.
The guys are all over the place. They do ads, dub anime and do voice for just about anything
a voice can used for. Part of the voice profile I made was a recorded message for a phone
system. They also showed us stuff they themselves did voice for, and man are they talented!
I have to admit that it was intimidating. I have never done voice acting in my entire life (except
maybe for my daughter's bedtime stories). Now I am wondering if I really can do voice acting.
I imagine it should be fun. Those guys certainly love it. It's hard not to be excited about it
when I was around them like that.
Anyway, to check out the fruits of my labor -- though I have grave reservations as to the
quality of the program right now (I promise to make it better) -- please tune in to And please, leave me a comment. I could really use
Friday, September 21, 2007
The Online Resource for Filipino Songs
Get the latest in Filipino Music. New album releases, gigs, concerts and events! Buy your original albums here straight from the Philippines.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Marie Antoinette

Rating: | ★★★ |
Category: | Movies |
Genre: | Other |
Well, the historicity is a bit off. There were incongruencies with what really happened. For instance, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette had four children, not three. The second child, Louis Joseph died of tuberculosis at age 7, while the baby Marie Sophie died as an infant. Of the survivors, the eldest, Marie Therese, was the only one to reach adulthood. Louis Charles died in prison at the tender age of 14 as he was proclaimed Louis XVII by the royalists when his father was beheaded.
Also, the portrayal of Marie Antoinette herself was a little off. Historical accounts all point to her mellowing down and being very committed as a mother to her children.
In her early years at the French court though, well, that was more to the point of the story, I guess. She was portrayed as an innocent royalty thrust into a position of power without much preparation for it, being a teen-ager and all that. Still, one wonders, didn't she get the same education her other royal counterparts got?
I also find it a bit remiss when it came to the question of her unpopularity among the French masses. There was no mention of the Affair of the Necklace which was pivotal regarding her "descent from grace" among the nobility and the masses alike. There was also no mention of any kind of politics that she did get into to support the French monarchy.
In this movie, we see a young woman pampered all too much by courtesans and politicians. She was in a dreamy world of luxury and lofty leisures, and nothing more.
It's the nothing more that bothers me, since further reading indicates that she was not so. She was more than the air-headed princess. While there was more she could have done in her position, she certainly didn't remain unperturbed by what was happening outside the palace.
Having read about the era, especially Les Miserables, one could not see how such suffering cannot reach the queen. Too bad, the production showed promise.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Living in a Bubble
I am suspended in time living life through the people around me and the things I see. I watch them and live their lives. In that cop on TV cussing left and right and not finding the right man. In that girl finding it difficult to answer her homework. In that boy who is different yet confused on who he is. In that old man who cannot remember what he had done wrong. In that freak who remains hidden from others. In that writer who longs to fit in.
Yet I am aloft and away from it all. I am not them. They do not even know me nor know of me. I am in stasis, an essay waiting for the 30. Yet I'd been through the 30. I'd died and gone back to this bubble. This drifting solitary illusion.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Joke time with Sibika
Today, we were studying for a quiz in Sibika and I would translate terms for her so that she can understand her lessons. Today's lesson was about the pre-Hispanic Filipinos, the Indones. We ended up on the floor laughing our hearts out when we got to this Q&A:
The Indones lived in tree houses. What is "tree-house" in tagalog, honey?
Tatlong bahay?
(laughed really hard... gained composure and said)
No honey. No "H".
Sigh... And she was serious !!! Wah !!!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Saving Grace, the TV Series

Rating: | ★★★★★ |
Category: | Other |
Get it?
The main premise is simple: can a very sinful woman be saved, albeit by divine intervention? It's a tale often told in many different ways. This time, it so irreverent that the pilot's first scene shows our protagonist butt naked and having sex with a married man.
And who else can pull it off but the very talented Holly Hunter. I don't think anyone can dispute that talent when she shoves her little best actress Oscar on your face.
Also in the cast is the delightfully neurotic Laura San Giacomo whom we know from the comedy series Just Shoot Me, playing Rhetta, Grace's old friend and the forensic scientist who actually believed the angel story and even wants to prove its existence.
Ok, so Holly Hunter is a rather convincing sinner-cop. Then what?
This is not a story based on accounts in feel-good books and magazines. On the contrary, this is trying very hard to be more real. Grace's brothers provide a contrast to her. One is another cop and the other is a very "tight-assed" Catholic priest (pardon the reference but that was how they described him in the show). Her lover is proving to be one incorrigible cheating husband who feigns conscience in the first scene (mentioned above) but keeps on going back to Grace just the same.
And her angel is another story. He can't be summoned. He comes when he wants. He even cooks breakfast. And, get this, he wrestles too. To illustrate the resistance Grace is putting up against this spectacle, she challenges him to a wrestling match, which happens in a Greek arena complete with columns and Earl (the angel) cheats! He compares her to his other wards and says they're more pleasant and she's the only one to wrestle him. Kinda reminds me of Jacob in the Bible. Aside from all that, he tells Grace that faith can be manifested in many forms -- not exclusive to Christianity or any other religion for that matter.
So now I am at a quandary. Here is a pretty good series that has peaked my interest; but no local network will ever dare show it. While watching it, I was half-expecting the wrath of God to strike lightning at my house. If my parents find out I watch this and actually like it, they're going to have the same fit they had when I told them that The Last Temptation of Christ was worth watching if only to see what was so controversial about it. You get what i mean.
Yes, I do like the show. Notice the rating I gave it?
But I have to say that it is not the kind of show for everybody. To enjoy this truly, one must have an open mind about religion and redemption. No fundamentalist will accept the premise of this series, for sure. There are many things in this series that cannot be taken seriously (tobacco-chewing angel, come on!) but there is a relevant message: be mindful of what you do, sometimes it's already so bad it's considered a sin.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Mad Men, the TV Series

Rating: | ★★★ |
Category: | Other |
Set in the era of domesticated wives, philandering men, racial discrimination and out-and-out sexual harassment, this TV show has been lauded for its accurate depiction of the time. Women were either taking care of children or mere sexual objects. Black people were waiters who weren't allowed to be "chatty". Standards filled the airwaves. And men ruled.
Suffice it to say, men would love to be nostalgic to that era. I can't say the same for most women I know. For the show itself, it is somewhat intriguing. It does not reflect how it was in my country but it shows what the Filipinos wanted to be like (yes, good old colonial mentality) back then. This was a time when change was imminent. This was an age when subordinates were starting to realize things weren't fair at all.
With the first episode, I am somewhat left hanging though. Maybe it's a ploy for me to watch the next one. Well, it worked. I am looking forward to the next episode. But I am still with mixed feelings about it.
I am glad I do not live in that time. Yet, I am intrigued. I'd like to see more of the show, even just to be sure how I stand about it. For now, that's all I can say, Madmen is intriguing. It picked my interest enough to see another episode.
But, if you are one who loves nostalgia, the crooners of the 50's and the fast-paced environment of ad agencies, you'll love this show.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Masters of Science Fiction - trailer

Masters of Science Fiction - Premiered August 4th at 10pm on ABC -
Finally !!! Now, a video worth uploading into my multiply!
This is a new series in the US that will feature stories based on the best Science Fiction works. Finally, recognition for those who don't like making series and epics!
Stars acting greats (in vairous episodes):
Sean Astin (LOTR's Samwise Gamgee)
James Cromwell (the farmer in Babe, among others)
Judy Davis
Terry O'Quinn (of Lost)
Sam Waterson (of Law and Order)
Anne Heche (Men in Trees)
Malcolm McDowell (Heroes, Caligula, among others)
Elizabeth Rohm (Detective Kate Lockley of Angel)
Brian Dennehy (you all know him)
James Denton (the cutey who is all over the place too, kinda reminds me of Eureka's Sheriff Carter)
Clifton Collins, Jr. (of Thief)
John Hurt (HP's Mr. Ollivander, the StoryTeller in Jim Henson's The Storyteller)
and hosted by one of the most amazing minds of our time:
Professor Stephen Hawking
(in his electronic voice)
Set to direct are:
Jonathan Frakes (1 episode, 2007)
Michael Petroni (1 episode, 2007)
Mark Rydell (1 episode, 2007)
Michael Tolkin (1 episode, 2007)
Harold Becker (1 episode)
Darnell Martin (1 episode)
And some of the writers will be:
Sam Egan (1 episode, 2007)
Harlan Ellison (1 episode, 2007)
Robert A. Heinlein (1 episode, 2007) <--- ohmigawd !!!
John Kessel (1 episode, 2007)
Josh Olson (1 episode, 2007)
Michael Petroni (1 episode, 2007)
Michael Tolkin (1 episode, 2007)
Walter Mosley (1 episode)
Robert Sheckley (1 episode)
now... do you see why i'm so hyped about this?
Friday, August 10, 2007
The 28th Manila International Book Fair
Start: | Aug 29, '07 10:00a |
End: | Sep 2, '07 8:00p |
Location: | World Trade Center |
August 29 - September 2, 2007
(10:00 A.M — 8:00 P.M., Daily)
World Trade Center
Metro Manila Financial Center Area
Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue cor.
Diosdado Macapagal Blvd.,
Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines
For more details, visit
Read Or Die needs volunteers for The 28th Manila Book Fair
Read Or Die needs volunteers for The 28th Manila Book Fair. If you’ve some time to spare between August 29 and September 2 (especially on September 2!), join our volunteer team. We guarantee lots of food, free shirts and maybe even a free book or two.
Duties/areas to choose from: blogging, facilitating sessions at partner booths, documentation, manning the book donations area, standing by the Activity Area during RoD slots, and programming and logistics. Take a more active part in the Manila Book Fair and help spread the love for reading and literature!
Interested? Please contact Read or Die ( A volunteers meeting is scheduled on August 18, 2007, venue to be announced. Thank you!
Short Story Writing Contest for Kids
Have you ever wanted to be a published author? Do you love to tell stories to your family and friends? Do you have some amazing stories that you would like to share with other kids? Would you like to earnP10,000.00 as the winning prize for your story?
Write and illustrate a story and you could become a published author! One winner will be chosen from each region. All winning stories from each of the regions will be published together and available for sale to the public. Proceeds of the sale of the book will be used to purchase school supplies and children’s books to be distributed throughout the country. This project is the first of its kind, "a book for kids, by kids," designed to raise reading awareness and appreciation.
Contest Theme
There is no contest theme. Let your imagination run wild! Tell stories of interest that happened to you, your friends, or your relatives. Write imaginary stories about things you heard at home, school or your community. Tell animal stories or tales. Write about your most embarrassing moments, your funniest and saddest moments. What were you afraid of as a kid? How about spectacular events in your region that will capture your reader’s imagination? Ordinary events that you want people to know about your town, barrio or city. Write about friendships, music, weddings, funerals, sports, food, the market, careers, clothes, pets, your hobbies — the choices are endless.
Contest Rules & Judging
One winner will be selected from each region!!! Each regional winner will receive P10,000.00, a certificate, a copy of the book containing your published story and a box full of books for your reading pleasure.
- Contestants must be between ages 6-12 at the time of contest deadline
- Entries must be an original unpublished work of the author
- Length: Maximum length of 1500 words. Entries beyond the 1500 word limit will be judge only on the first 1500 words submitted
- Entries may be typewritten or handwritten. It could be in English or Tagalog but not a combination of English and Tagalog.
- Maximum six (6) illustrations (artwork) per story. It is not necessary that the stories be illustrated or contain artwork. However, illustrations would be helpful to aid in the publication. All writing and artwork must be the work of the child entering the contest. FPPFI retains the right to alter, modify, add or change the illustrations or artwork submitted with the entries
- Entries will be judged on originality, creative expression and storytelling. Structure, grammar and spelling will be taken into consideration
- All entries must have a completed entry form attached. Entries with missing or incomplete entry forms will be disqualified in event of inability to notify and gain parental release
- One story per contestant will be allowed Entries will not be returned and become a property of the Francis Padua Papica Foundation, Inc.
Contest Deadline
All entries must be RECEIVED by SEPTEMBER 15, 2006 at 5:00 P.M. Entries must be mailed to:
Mga Kwentong Pambata ng Papica
Backroom Inc.,
Unit 207 #116, CRM Bldg.,
Kamias Road cor. Kasing-Kasing St.
Quezon City, Philippines
Tel nos.
(632)435-1098, (632)435-1120, (632)435-1108,
(632)928-0717 Fax no. (632)435-3808
No faxed or emailed entries will be accepted.
UP Centennial Commission Literary Contest
The UP Centennial Commission is formally launching the Gawad Likhaan: The University of the Philippines Literary Prize on Friday, June 29, 2007, 3:45 pm at the Bulwagang Recto, Faculty Center, UP Diliman. This Contest is administered by The UP Institute of Creative Writing (UP-ICW) as part of the celebrations of the UP Centennial in 2008.
There are six awards, each one worth P200,000, for original, book-length works in 3 genres in either English or Filipino:
1. the novel or short story,
2. poetry, and
3. creative nonfiction or sanaysay.
Only one prize per genre in either language will be awarded.
The complete rules are available at the UP-ICW office in UP Diliman. They will also be uploaded on the UP-ICW website and on, the literary portal hosted by the UP-ICW.
All entries to the contest are to be submitted to the Board of Judges, Likhaan: The UP Institute of Creative Writing, Faculty Center, UP Diliman. Deadline for submission is Monday, March 31, 2008 at 5 pm. The names of the winners and the members of the board of judges will be announced in June 2008.
The UP-ICW is also sponsoring two other events taking place on the same day as the launch. First is the inauguration of the UP Likhaan Centennial Lecture Series, commencing with the lecture of Dr. Cristina Pantoja-Hidalgo, titled “Fiction as Response to History: Philippine Fiction in English.” At 6 pm on the same day, the UP Press will launch at Balay Kalinaw, UP Diliman, among ten other titles, The Children’s Hour, a two-volume anthology of stories on childhood by Filipino writers in English, edited by Gémino H. Abad and Cristina Pantoja-Hidalgo.
2007 NCCA Writers' Prize
The NCCA Writers’ Prize is a biennial grant awarded to six (6) writers, one for each of the following categories: novel, short stories (including children’s stories), poetry, drama, essay (English) and literary biography (English/Filipino). The grant, in the amount of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND PESOS gross, will assist the grantee during the writing stage of the project. The grant is good for one year, after which a manuscript of the writing project will be submitted to the NCCA for possible publication or staging.
The NCCA, in line with its mission to “encourage the continuing development of a pluralistic culture by the people themselves,” will be creating the opportunity to have a direct hand in the development of Filipino literature. With the grant, the NCCA Writers’ Prize winners will be freed from the demands of their work and shall be able to focus on the writing of the project for one year.
The grant is open to Filipino writers, of legal age, except the officers and members of the NCCA Secretariat and the officers of the NCCA Committee on Literary Arts and Committee on Dramatic Arts.
For the 2007 NCCA Writers’ Prize competition, the following shall be the requirements in the submission of entries:
1. Applicants must submit an accomplished application form, available at the NCCA Project Management Division, curriculum vitae, and a 3 – 5 page concept paper discussing the rationale and significance of the project. Initial output of the project which shall be submitted in four (4) printed copies along with the concept paper. For 2007, the categories and the expected initial output are:
Category Initial Output
1. Novel – Cebuano language First 50 pages
2. Poetry – Bicol language 10 poems; 1 poem per page
3. Short Stories – English/Filipino 3 short stories
4. Drama – any of the Panay languages 1 act for a full length drama; 2 1-act plays
5. Essay (English) 3 chapters or no less than 50 pages
6. Literary Biography (English/Filipino) 3 chapters or no less than 50 pages
All the sample works shall be in typewritten form. Manuscript and concept paper shall not bear the name of the applicant in any of the pages.
2. Applicants are allowed to apply in only one (1) category.
3. Applications will be evaluated by an Ad Hoc Screening Committee selected by the Committee on Literary Arts and the Committee on Dramatic Arts. There will be three members of the screening committee per category.
4. The grant will be released in four tranches, with the first tranche at the beginning of the writing period and the succeeding tranches upon submission of the following:
2nd tranche - 50% of the writing project
3rd tranche - 75% of the writing project
4th tranche - 100% of the writing project
5. The writing grant is good only for one year. The NCCA will allow maximum extension of six (6) months only with written justification by the grantee.
6. Completed manuscript must be submitted in two forms: one (1) printed copy and one (1) electronic copy in MSWord format in a diskette. The project output shall be as follows:
Category Initial Output 1. Novel – Cebuano language
Minimum of 200 typewritten 2. Poetry – Bicol language
30 poems 3. Short Stories – English/Filipino
12 short stories 4. Drama – any of the Panay languages 2 or more acts for a full-length drama; 5 1-act plays 5. Essay (English) 12 chapters or no less than 200 pages 6. Literary Biography (English/Filipino) 12 chapters or no less than 200 pages
7. The grant is non-transferable. All privileges shall be enjoyed by the grantee himself/herself based on the successful evaluation of the work in progress. A reader from the screening committee of each category shall be assigned to evaluate the succeeding materials to be submitted by the grantee. Upon submission of the positive evaluation of the reader for the second and third tranches, the corresponding amounts shall be released immediately to the grantee. However, for the fourth tranche, the same will be released only upon completion of evaluation of the completed
manuscript by the Reader. Revisions, however, may be recommended by the Reader. Only upon final approval of the completed manuscript shall the final tranche be released to the grantee.
8. Deadline of submission of application together with the curriculum vitae of applicant and other requirements shall be on December 31, 2007. All applications shall be addressed to:
2007 NCCA WRITERS’ PRIZE Secretariat
Project Management Division-Special Projects
National Commission for Culture and the Arts
NCCA Building, 633 General Luna St .
Intramuros, Manila
9. Applicants shall include a self-addressed stamped kraft envelope in case the materials shall be returned to the applicants who were not selected.
1. The Grantee hereby grants the NCCA the first option to publish the output of the Grant. The NCCA will have the right to produce or authorized to be produced, for staging, telecasting, broadcasting, or cinema or other forms of exhibition from time to time any output of the writing grant. The NCCA will also be allowed to include the output of the Grant in the NCCA Website. The first option to publish of NCCA expires one year after completion of the Grant.
2. It is understood that the literary material submitted has not been submitted to any other award body or has not received any prize and is not a completed manuscript but a work in progress. Any violation of the guidelines shall mean withdrawal of the grant and any amount paid to the grantee shall be returned to the NCCA. The award then will be transferred to the person who garnered the second highest vote during the Screening of the materials.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Wanted: Female Techie Host for GIZMO TV 1
- 20 to 25 years old
- College graduate
- Well versed in technology / computer / geek speak
- Interested in Computers, Gadgets and the Internet
- Willing to do research about technology
- Willing to write articles for the website
- Can do in-depth technical product reviews on gadgets and etc.
- Fluent in English
- Great hosting skills
Auditions will be held on August 2, 2007 from 2PM-7PM at PIXEL ART MEDIA PRODUCTION CO. located at Unit 929 South Star Plaza Bldg. South Super Hi-way Bangkal Makati City.
Bring your resume and portfolio.
Please call 845-2659 and look for John Wong for more details.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
New Worlds Transformed
favorite things
before i start my list, let me segue into a musing...
i just realized that i don't put so many of the things about me per se in this blog. funny how that is really, since most blogs delve deeply into its owner's mind and desires. maybe it's just me and my penchant for privacy. but then, there a re moments like this when i feel like being one of them -- the normal bloggers -- who write about themselves in blogs.
here goes...
here is a list of my ten most favorite things:
1. the rain
yes, ladies and gentlemen, when most of you are cursing the downpour, i am basking in it. honestly, i would rather walk in heavy rain than in seering sunlight. but that's as much wetness i would dare get into. i don't know how to swim so i am definitely against the deluge.
2. those sweet things
chocolates -- the darker the better; cinnamon rolls -- i miss Cinnzeo!; go nuts donuts pastillas de leche -- yummmmm...; cakes -- red ribbon choco mousse makes my day any day; polvoron by Sasmuan Delicacies... sigh... feel good food galore!
3. my very own Vitamin C : Caffeine!
nothing like the good old mug of brewed coffee. given a choice of flavors, i always like the nice steaming cup of irish coffee, complete with the sugar-rimming the mug. but it isn't usually offered in cafes, so i settle for an americano. and, no, cold coffee doesn't feel like it's real coffee to me.
and, good heavens! if you don't want the caffeine, don't drink decaf! just shun coffee altogether!
4. sleep
a nice, long, dreamy slumber under sateen sheets and lulled by the soft breeze. ideally, this should be somewhere at the beach or in the boondocks.
5. piano music
better if it's accompanied by flute. nothing flashy. nothing fancy. just the simple sound of keys tinkering into a melody that is not intrusive. the best example here is Jim Chapelle, no one compares by far.
6. a good book
i'm all for fantasy, a little bit of sci-fi and a spattering of the classics.
7. a stimulating movie
now, get your mind off the gutter and back into your reading. i'm talking about intellectual stimulation here. sometimes visual stimulation (e.g. those wonderful CGI do wonders) also works. a comedy here and there but none of the slapsticks. i also enjoy a good cry over drama and romances. although i have learned to shun some of the romances because they are just not possible. really, guys, will any of you ever give up the life you have built only to be with a woman? be reasonable and practical!
really, cinderella, the little mermaid, snowwhite and sleeping beauty are all fairy tales. not real.
8. pampering
two hours of sheer bliss in an aromatheraphy massage treatment. once, i tried the sensual scents and it worked!
9. snuggles
no one gives this better than my little girl. a nice warm embrace during a good cry comes at a distant second.
10. a good chat
essentail elements are: stimulating discussion, arguments not necessary but not shunned either; open minds unencumbered by shallowness and narrow-mindedness; laughter; realizations or learning.
there you have it. not much to go with but it's a start.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Processing of green cards resumes in July
resumes in July -- State Dept.
Visa numbers available for nurses, PTs and other professionals
By Cristina A. Godinez
NEW YORK CITY -- Visa numbers for Filipino workers under the employment-based third preference category (EB-3) will be available in July, according to a State Department release on Wednesday, June 13.
The availability of the visa numbers means the visa processing for EB-3 professional and skilled workers from the Philippines, including registered nurses (RNs) and physical therapists (PTs), will resume by July and the eventual deployment of these foreign workers will not suffer further delay.
EB-3 workers who are in the US waiting for visa availability will also be able to apply for adjustment of status beginning July. The availability of the visa numbers puts an end, at least temporarily, to the retrogression that has stalled the deployment of skilled Filipino workers to the US since January 2005.
Retrogression occurs when the demand for immigrant visa numbers exceed the available numbers for a given year. In such a case, the State Department fixes a cut-off priority date, and cases with priority dates falling on or after the prescribed cut-off will not be processed.
Filipino healthcare workers in shortage occupations like registered nurses (RNs) and physical therapists (PTs) were spared briefly from the retrogression by the legislated recapture of 50,000 unused visas on May 11, 2005. The deployment of Filipino RNs and PTs , however, was halted when the unused visas were exhausted in November 2006, subjecting these shortage occupations to the EB-3 retrogression as well.
The July 2007 Visa Bulletin issued by the State Department, however, warns about the possibility that not all employment preferences will remain “current†(meaning, visa numbers are available) for the remainder of the fiscal year, which ends September 2007.
The State Department cautioned that retrogression could re-occur in September for EB-3 workers from major sending countries like mainland China, India and the Philippines when the demand for visa numbers become heavy in the coming months.
It also said severe cut-off retrogression could occur in early Fiscal Year 2008, beginning October, 2007. In contrast, visa numbers for the Other Worker category worldwide will be unavailable in July.
Visa availability for this category, which includes adult companions, personal aides, home health aides, general housekeepers or child monitors, had been alternately unavailable and retrogressed the past several months. The unavailability of the visa numbers for Other Workers means foreign workers in this category currently in the US will not be able to apply for adjustment of status, while those who are outside the US will have to wait for their priority dates to come up.
(CRISTINA A. GODINEZ is a Manhattan-based attorney. For comments or questions, you may send an email to or
Saturday, June 16, 2007
The 1st Phillippine Airlines Photo Contest
Log on to for complete details.
Professional - SLR, DSLR, and medium format camera may be used
Enthusiasts - point-and-shoot camera, SLR or DSLR may be used
Kids - Any Cellphone or point-and-shoot camera may be used
Best of Philippine Scapes
Best of the Filipino Spirit
Best of Filipino Culture
Camera and printing:
Any digital or film based camera
Print by an EPSON printer (serial number needed)
Any brand of photo paper
Photo sizes:
Professional division - A3 or 11 inches x 17 inches
Enthusiast division - A4 or 8.5 inches x 11 inches
Kids division - 5x7 (5R) Printed by any photo lab
Black & White
Optional white border (max of 1 inch on all sides)
Sepia tone
Digital/digitally-converted film negatives
Creative effects done within the camera at the time of exposure
Digital retouching ONLY on density, contrast, minor cropping on composition, burning, dodging, and global adjustments.
Not allowed
Major manipulation through adding and subtracting
Manually retouched and/or painted over photos
Entries that have won other contests or have been published
Participant’s name on the entry surface
Judges’ decision will be final.
Selected entries will be required by Philippine Airlines and its organizer Eastgate Oneworkshop, Inc. to submit the ORIGINAL negative or digital file for evaluation and publishing purposes.
Deadlines of Submission of Entries:
Metro Manila - August 25, 2007.
Saturday, 6pm at Eastgate Oneworkshop, Inc.: OWG Ground Floor, 2241 La Fuerza Plaza ll, Don Chino Roces Ave. corner Sabio St. Makati City. Telefax 8192074
Provincial - August 18, 2007. Saturday at any designated PAL Photo Contest Provincial Coordinators in *Davao, *Cebu, *Iloilo, *Bacolod, and *Clark.
*Contacts to be announced soon.
Professional Division:
The Beauty of Philippine Scapes Award PHP50,000 + PAL Travel Package*
The Beauty of the Filipino Spirit Award PHP50,000 + PAL Travel Package*
The Beauty of Filipino Culture Award PHP50,000 + PAL Travel Package*
*to be raffled off to the 3 awardees during the Awarding Ceremony on September 7, 2007 at SM Mall of Asia:
- PAL Beijing Package Tour
- PAL Bangkok Package Tour
- PAL Hong Kong Package Tour
(all inclusive of airfare & accommodation)
Enthusiast Division:
The Beauty of Philippine Scapes Award PHP30,000 + PAL Travel Package*
The Beauty of the Filipino Spirit Award PHP30,000 + PAL Travel Package*
The Beauty of Filipino Culture Award PHP30,000 + PAL Travel Package*
*to be raffled off to the 3 awardees during the Awarding Ceremony:
- PAL Boracay Package Tour
- PAL Cebu Package Tour
- PAL Laoag Package Tour
(all inclusive of airfare & accommodation)
Kids Division:
The Beauty of Philippine Scapes Award PHP15,000 + El Nido Package Tour
The Beauty of the Filipino Spirit Award PHP15,000 + El Nido Package Tour
The Beauty of Filipino Culture Award PHP15,000 + El Nido Package Tour
Ms. Niña Dueñas, 819-2074
Download entry forms from
Muggle Magic Digital Art and Video Contest
Weave your own Harry Potter fantasy
Contest Period: June 1 – July 12, 2007
We are inviting all Harry Potter fans to take part in this challenge! Use your creativity and make your own Harry Potter video.
Videos can be made using different approaches like live-action, cartoons, Flash movie, 3D animation, or combination of any of these techniques. In other words, show us how creative and inventive you can be!
There are two categories you can join:
Theme 1: Depict any scene which you think will happen in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
• Harry and his parents are reunited in the end.
• Hermione and Ron finally expressed their love for each other.
• Dumbledore is resurrected and helps Harry defeat Voldemort.
Theme 2: Show us why you deserve to be named the world’s greatest Harry Potter fan.
• Scenes of your massive collection of Harry Potter collectibles.
• Relate how many times you saw or read Harry Potter movies and books.
1. Each participant is allowed to submit as many entries as he/she wants.
2. All entries should be the participant’s original interpretation of the themes and not lifted from other sources. Powerbooks will not be held liable for any copyright infringement committed by the participant.
3. Dialogues and scenes depicted should not be based or copied from any Harry Potter movie.
4. Participants have the freedom to interpret the themes as creatively and imaginatively possible provided that they stay true to the theme.
5. Each entry should not be previously entered into any other competition.
6. Participants give Powerbooks the right to upload their video for the website & other promotional activities (public screenings). Once submitted, entries will not be returned and be considered properties of Powerbooks.
1. To join the contest, participants should submit the following in a brown envelope:
a. Registration Form (full name, address, telephone, cellphone, email, theme, title of entry, short description of the entry). You may download the Official Registration Form here or get them at any Powerbooks branch
b. CD containing the video entry.
2. Video entries should adhere to the following:
A. Format: .mov, .mp4, .avi, .mpg
B. Length: Minimum of 3 minutes and maximum of 5 minutes.
C. File Size: Videos may not exceed 100MB in size.
3. Deadline for submission of entries is on July 12, 2007 9pm at any Powerbooks branch or drop it off at the Powerbooks Head Office at 25 Brixton St., Capitol Subdivision, Pasig City.
1. Judges will choose 5 finalists from each theme. The finalists’ works will be uploaded at the Powerbooks Multiply Site ( from July 14 -21, 2007.
2. Participants will vie for the following:
• Grand Prize winner for Theme I
• Grand Prize winner for Theme II
• People’s Choice winner for both themes
3. The Grand Prize winners for both themes will be determined by a select panel of judges with the following criteria:
• Originality - 30%
• Overall Impact - 10%
• Composition and Technique - 40%
• Application of the Theme - 20%
4. The People’s Choice Winner will be determined through the most number of votes received online. Fans may vote at the Powerbooks Multiply Site (
5. The Multiply site will officially start accepting votes on July 14, 2007 at 5PM and will end on July 19, 2007 at 10AM. (6 days to vote)
6. The decision of the judges and tally of votes from the Multiply site are final.
7. Prizes: To be announced
Download the registration form below:
Muggle Magic Digital Video Official Registration Form.doc
Combine your love for Harry Potter and digital imaging to produce a winning Harry Potter artwork.
Artworks can be made using different approaches like vectors, collages, cartoons, 3D graphics, or combination of any of these techniques. In other words, show us how creative and inventive you can be! You may use any image editing software.
The artwork should be made in line with the theme:
Depict any scene which you think will happen on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
• Harry and his parents are reunited in the end (in anime style).
• Hermione and Ron finally expressed their love for each other.
• Dumbledore is resurrected and helps Harry defeat Voldemort.
1. Each participant is allowed to submit as many entries as he/she wants.
2. All entries should be the participant’s original interpretation of the contest themes and not lifted from other sources. Powerbooks will not be held liable for any copyright infringement committed by the participant.
3. Scenes depicted should not be based or copied from any Harry Potter movie.
4. Participants have the freedom to interpret the contest themes as creative and imaginatively possible provided that they stay true to the theme.
5. Each entry should not be previously entered into any other competition.
6. Participants give Powerbooks the right to upload their artworks for the website & other promotional activities. Once submitted, entries will not be returned and be considered properties of Powerbooks.
1. To join the contest, participants should submit the following in a brown envelope:
a. Registration Form (full name, address, company/ school, telephone, cellphone, email, theme, title of entry, short description of the entry). You may download the official registration form here, at or get them at any Powerbooks branch
b. Printed Artwork measuring 11” x 16”(A3 size, landscape or portrait orientation) mounted on illustration board.
2. Deadline for submission of entries is on July 12, 2007, 9pm, at any Powerbooks branch or drop it off at the Powerbooks Head Office at 25 Brixton St., Capitol Subdivision, Pasig City.
1. Judges will choose 3 finalists. The finalists’ works will be uploaded at the Powerbooks Multiply Site ( from July 14 -21, 2007.
2. The Grand Prize winner will be determined by a select panel of judges with the following criteria:
• Originality - 30%
• Impact - 10%
• Composition and Technique - 50%
• Application of the Theme - 20%
3. The decision of the judges is final.
4. Prizes: To be announced
Download the Muggle Magic Digital Art Official Registration Form below:
James J. Abuan
Marketing Assistant
490-1158 loc 1156
Walt Disney Entertainment Talent Casting
Walt Disney Entertainment Talent Casting Representatives will be in Manila and Cebu searching for vocalists and dancers to perform at Hong Kong Disneyland. The audition schedule is as follows:
Vocalist Auditions
Manila – Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Cebu – Thursday, 19 July 2007
Dancer Auditions
Manila – Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Cebu – Friday, 20 July 2007
Requirements: Applicants must be at least 18 years old. Please submit one non-returnable color photo and resume/bio-data.
Vocalists should bring sheet music of two contrasting 16-bar selections. Pre-recorded accompaniments in any format are not allowed.
Dancers should wear appropriate dance attire, and will be taught a dance combination.
Visit or call our pre-registration centers now!
The Music School of Ryan Cayabyab
Park Avenue, Robinsons Galleria, Ortigas
Ave. cor. EDSA, 1100 Quezon City
Tel: (632) 637-9840 & 914-5055
Little Boy Productions
Exams Excellence, Manros Plaza, Mango
Avenue across Fooda, 6000 Cebu City
Tel: (6322) 254-9320 & 415-7068
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Growing up
For a while, Kimi's room has a grand total of 15 hamsters, with 11 of them babies. Soon, one of Snowy's died but as soon as that one went, the remaining 4 grew fast. It wasn't the same for Betty's brood, however. So we thought, there must have been a difference of at least four days between the births. Sadly, it wasn't so.
Last Friday, Betty succumbed to a disease. It could have been anything, since we could not touch the babies, the parents nor the cage until the babies are big enough. Within the same day, one of her babies died. Then another by morning. We hand-ed the little ones the best we could -- each of us taking turns in feeding them throughout the day. In a span of three days, Jacky lost his family.
At the same time, Snowy had her own losses. She is now down to 2 pups.
The good news is: Snowy's two white pups are going strong and they have grown so big too! I'll post photos soon.
Anyway, Kimi was sad throughout this whole exprience. She learned a lot about taking care of babies, hamsters and about allowing her pets to go through the experience with her. She is growing up so fast.
And yesterday, she told me she will sone have to start werig a baby bra... sigh...
7th Ateneo National Writer's Workshop
Call for submissions for the 7th Ateneo National Writer's Workshop The Ateneo Institute of Literary Arts and Practices (AILAP) is now accepting applications for the 7th Ateneo National Writer's Workshop to be held on October 22-27, 2007.
Each applicant should submit a portfolio of any of the following works:
five poems
three short stories
or two one-act plays
written in Filipino or English, with a title page bearing the author's pseudonym and a table of contents.
The portfolio must also be accompanied by a diskette/CD containing a file of the documents saved in Rich Text Format.
All submissions should include a sealed envelope containing the author's name, address, contact numbers, and a one-page resume including a literary curriculum vitae with a 1x1 ID picture.
Twelve (12) fellows will be chosen from all over the country. Food and lodging accomodations will be provided.
Please address entries to:
Marco A.V. Lopez, Acting Director,
AILAP, c/o Filipino Department,
Horacio dela Costa Hall, Loyola Schools,
Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City.
Deadline of submissions is on August 3, 2007.
For inquiries, please contact workshop coordinators Ms. Bong Oris and Mr. Yol Jamendang at 426-6001 local 5320-22. You may also e-mail Mr. Lopez at mvlopez@ateneo. edu
US Immigration Fact Check: Responding To Key Myths
Immigration Fact Check: Responding To Key Myths
1. MYTH: Once an individual is granted a Z visa, his or her family outside the country will be eligible for Z visas including his or her spouse, children, spouse's children, parents and spouse's parents.
FACT: Z visa eligibility is limited to the finite population of current aliens who were already in the United States illegally as of January 1, 2007. No one outside the U.S. can petition for a Z visa – including family members of Z visa workers.
FACT: Only green card holders and U.S. citizens may petition to bring family members to the U.S. It will take at least 8 years for the first Z visa recipient to receive a green card, and it will take at least 13 years for the first Z visa recipient to become a citizen.
FACT: Z visa holders who eventually receive green cards and become citizens will be subject to the tighter limits on family immigration that the bill imposes. The bill limits future family-based visas to the spouses and minor children of U.S citizens and green card holders, plus a smaller number of parents of U.S. citizens. It eliminates set-asides for siblings and adult children of U.S. citizens.
2. MYTH: Illegal immigrants may stay in probationary status for years without having to apply or meet requirements for a Z visa.
FACT: Illegal immigrants may not obtain probationary status without applying for the Z visa, which requires coming out of the shadows and passing a background check.
FACT: Probationary status is valid only while a Z visa application is pending – it may be revoked at any time if the applicant is found ineligible for the Z visa, fails to maintain a clean record, or fails the background check required for obtaining a Z visa.
FACT: If a worker is deemed eligible for a Z visa, probationary status terminates, and the worker must transition to a Z visa or leave the country. Transitioning to Z status will require the worker to pay a $1,000 fine for head of household and $500 per dependent; up to $1,500 in processing fees per applicant, including heads of household and dependents; and a $500 state impact assistance fee.
FACT: To remain in the United States, the worker is subject to updated background checks on criminal and security history and must stay employed, maintain a clean record, and meet accelerated English and civics requirements by set deadlines. In addition, Z visa holders must pay processing fees of up to $1,500 every four years in order to renew the visa. Z visa holders are not entitled to welfare, Food Stamps, SSI, or non-emergency Medicaid.
3. MYTH: Immigration and Customs Enforcement has scaled back penalties and arrests in worksite enforcement cases.
FACT: In a much more aggressive approach to cracking down on employers who hire illegal aliens, ICE has replaced the old system of administrative hearings and fines with a much tougher combination of criminal prosecutions and asset forfeitures.
FACT: Arrests for criminal violations brought in worksite enforcement actions – thee most effective means of enforcement and best measure of ICE's new approach – have increased significantly from 24 in FY 1999 to a record 716 in FY 2006. There have been 588 criminal arrests since the beginning of FY 2007.
FACT: During the first half of FY 2007, ICE obtained criminal fines, restitutions, and civil judgments in worksite enforcement investigations against egregious violators in excess of $29 million.
FACT: A 2005 program called "Operation Rollback" assessed $15,000,000 in civil fines, an amount greater than the sum of administrative fines collected in the previous eight years combined and the largest worksite enforcement penalty in US history.
FACT: ICE's interior enforcement strategy targets not only employers of illegal aliens and immigration violators inside this country but also the many criminal networks that support these activities, including human smuggling and trafficking organizations and document or benefit fraud organizations.
4. MYTH: The bill would permit illegal immigrants who have committed violent crimes to remain in the country.
FACT: Applicants convicted of any of a wide range of crimes will not be permitted in the Z visa program. The list of crimes that disqualify applicants extends into the thousands and includes:
o Any felony
o Any three misdemeanors
o Any serious criminal offense
o Violations of any law relating to a controlled substance
· FACT: If a Z visa applicant is rejected because of criminal conduct, the government can immediately place the alien in removal proceedings.
· FACT: Any Z visa application that is rejected because of criminal conduct is no longer subject to confidentiality restrictions. DHS has authority to share the information with law enforcement officials, making it easier to identify and deport criminal aliens.
5. MYTH: The bill ignores the importance of assimilation.
· FACT: An entire subtitle is dedicated to assimilation and outlines several new and expanded assimilation programs, including:
o Expanding the mission of the DHS Office of Citizenship to include civic integration;
o Authorizing $100 million for the office to carry out its new, broader mission;
o Providing grants to States and localities for integration programs; and
o Directing the Education Department to develop a new English learning program to be made available free over the Internet.
FACT: The bill also declares that English is the language of the United States and directs the United States government to preserve and enhance it.
FACT: Individuals seeking to maintain their Z status must meet accelerated English requirements.
"High School Musical" on stage
Michael Ancheta
Monday, June 4, 2007
01:44 PM
After the highly successful production of the musical Footloose headlined by Jay-R and Iya
Villania in 2005, STAGES together with Trumpet's Playshop once again returns this time
with a more ambitious project via Disney's hit High School Musical.
Just how big is this project? To begin with, almost 300 aspirants auditioned for the said
musical, with pretty Cheska Ortega bagging the lead female role of Gabriella Montez. She
even cut short her vacation in the United States to try her luck for the coveted role. Cheska
is paired with teen star Sam Concepcion, who plays the lead character Troy Bolton.
But what makes High School Musical even bigger and more memorable is the fact that the
production serves as Audie Gemora's comeback to musical theater direction after taking a
hiatus for two decades.
"I just have to do it," explains Audie, who went through all the necessary arrangements to
acquire the rights of the play. "I know this one big project is worthy of my time and effort
and I was correct."
High School Musical is a well-recognized production encouraging individuality among
young people tied to a lot of social and cultural limitations.
Top billed by Sam Concepcion (Troy Bolton) and Cheska Ortega (Gabriella Montez), High
School Musical also features young talented actors Alex Godinez (Sharpay Evans), PJ
Valerio (Ryan Evans), veteran actor Jeff Arcilla (Coach Bolton), and theater luminary Sheila
Francisco (Mrs. Darbus).
Chinnie Nepomuceno and Alfred Luason took charge of the choreography while Mio
Infante once again weaves his magic to create the musical's set design. Mio was behind
the fantastic sets of musicals such as The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; Little
Mermaid; and Footloose.
Expressing both faith and admiration for the young cast, Audie proudly boasts that this
year's staging of High School Musical would prove that "local musical theater is in good
Performance dates:
3:00 p.m. shows -
June 23 and 30
July 1, 7, 8, 14 and 15
8:00 p.m. shows -
June 23 and 30
July 6, 7 and 14
Venue: Meralco Theater, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City
Ticket prices:
Orchestra and Loge Center - P850.00 to 800.00
Balcony - P500.00
Call Ticketworld at 891-9999 or STAGES at 818-1111 local 209 for ticket inquiries.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Superior Specie?
Men and women have always been at odds. It's mostly because neither understood the other. And that's where all the problems spring from.
My personal experience with men? They usually think they know better when it comes to what I want. Imagine that... someone else tells me that I want something, even if I have already said I don't or would have said I don't IF asked. Get the picture?
Take, for instance, one incident at home when the guy sees me coming into the room on a hot summer day. He's on his way out and turns off the fan (aircons are far too much on the electric budget). When asked why he turned off the fan, he says it was because I just got into the room and he immediately assumed I wasn't staying in the room. He could have asked!
Another instance was a time a friend of mine got asked about if she would have a pizza by a guy (who appears to be interested in her... appears to me at least). Being a pizza-non-lover, she scowled and said "no, thanks." I thought that was pretty clear, right? Given that it was almost lunchtime, maybe he was overly concerned. Maybe, he was just thinking that she should get some form of sustenance. She wasn't starving though. A few minutes later, two slices of pizza were given to her by the same guy. Wow... how dense can a man be?! There were other kinds of food available.
Oh there are a host of other instances whne men simply took it upon themselves to decide for me. Like when a boyfriend decided I wanted to break-up without asking me. (Oh, we got back together but he did it again. Go figure.) Or a boyfriend deciding that having a kid together wasn't a good idea, even if we had talked about the possibility before. As I said: go figure!
The only exception, I think, is my dad. But he's another story altogether.
I think, in the end, it's a just a matter of communication. So guys, please, find it in your heart and mind to ASK first, ok? It's not that this means you're being inferior or something. It's just plain old consdieration.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Will and Grace

Rating: | ★★★★★ |
Category: | Other |
This show holds a special place in my heart. Why? Because it is sooooo gay. The only straight people in this series were the characters played by Woody Harrelson and Harry Connick, Jr. who were both involved with Grace. Ok, maybe some of the neighbors were straight too, but you get what I mean. They ended their run after eight seasons of flambouyant geity. I look back at their episodes and still laugh at their antics, especially Jack's.
Thankfully, their episodes are online at
Man, I miss those people!
Danton Remoto: A fabulous run for Congress
By Ricky T. Gallardo and Photos by Jessie Laureta
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Since he filed his certificate of candidacy for Congressman of Quezon City's Third District (the area around miriam, ateneo, UP, la vista, balara, kamuning), Danton Remoto has never stopped running. And because the family of incumbent representative Matias Defensor has been in the district for twelve long years, Remoto had to muster his wit and persuasive powers to cobble together a team supported by a group of strange bedfellows. Gays and lesbians as well as the Christian groups, students and senior citizens, young professionals and matrons, as well as the urban poor and the upwardly mobile in his district have formed alliances to support his congressional bid.
For this interview with The Sunday Times Magazine, Remoto had to rush from his campaign sortie in the two public markets on 15th Avenue and Camarilla, Cubao. He said both remain literally wet markets despite the scorching heat of the summer sun. He dashed to the elf truck lent to him by senatorial candidate Nikki Coseteng, went home to shower, then took the same elf truck to go to EDSA Shangri-La Hotel where this interview has been arranged. In his signature pink get-up and with eyes blinking while entering the lobby, he observed how this posh and lovely place is so different from where he was just 30 minutes ago.
"The Philippines, really, is a country of many countries," he begins. Even though a smile was brightening his face, the conversation animated, Remoto's eyes seemed sad.
It has been a whirlwind six months for Remoto. After filing the party-list registration of Ang Ladlad (the lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender group he chairs) with Comelec, he was suddenly besieged by media interviews. Reports of his historical run were also reported in newspapers and TV shows in Canada, Italy, Japan, Korea, Qatar, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, and the United States. And when Comelec thumbed down Ang Ladlad's accreditation on the dubious basis of "lack of national constituency" and "the group not being marginalized and under-represented," Remoto became even more sought-after in the tri-media.
"I have to thank Comelec chairman [Benjamin] Abalos for making me the underdog politician of this year's elections. They turned down Ang Ladlad, they thought Victor Wood was a more worthy candidate than me as a senator, so I had to run as a Congressman of the Third District of Quezon City to prove that I could win in an election. We want to show the power and strength not only of the Pink Vote but of a candidate who is brave enough to face up to a rich candidate." His smile then turns impish. "When people see me, they say, you are so young, you should have run as Councilor first. But when I tell them I am 44 years old, they say, ha? So I wear eyeglasses now, and have stopped applying color highlights on my hair."
Estimates range that for a congressional run, the candidate has to cough up at least P50 million. Where did Remoto get the funds to run?
"Well, you need P50 million if you are a virtual unknown, since most of the funds will go to publicity. But, as I've said, thanks to Mr. Abalos, wherever I go in the district—from public market to shoopping mall, street to art gallery—people already recognize me. And since our posters are either being pasted on and torn to pieces by the other parties, we have to rely on the media, on word of mouth and on the few resources we have to make my candidacy known, especially among the informal settlers."
The Danton Remoto sa Kongreso Movement is funded by donations alone. "My yaya sold her carabao and gave me P10,000. Filipinos in Saudi Arabia—who toil long and hard under the harsh desert sun—sent mt me P3,000. We have book sales, flea markets, solicitations from Fil-Am communities. The lesbian group LeAP paid for my posters. My volunteers cut up the scratch papers I have accumulated from years of teaching—and stammped my name and 'Congressman' on the other side. The other donors gave funds for gasoline, food and poll-watching expenses. The Ramiro family, who owns the condo where I live, donated free space for my HQ. The money is never enough, but we operate on the love and charity of our many supporters and friends."
If there is one thing that Remoto can be proud of, it is the kindness of supporters, friends—and family. His father was a military man and hiis mother, a Music teacher. "My father was a strict disciplinarian. I got the spine of steel and the will to win from him. My mother is a gracious woman. Oh, you should see them campaigning for me week in and week out. He, with his military friends at Camp Aguinaldo; she, with her teacher friends in Project 2. If only for that alone, I feel I have already won,†Remoto gets a little emotional.
He grew up in Project 4—"where I have friends who came froom Escopa [a depressed area]"—and later studied at the Ateneeo de Manila University. He took courses in Legal Management and English Literature, then tucked in a graduate degree in English from the same university, and later took off for Great Britain, to study Publishing at the University of Stirling on a British Council Scholarship. “In Scotland, I learned to be alone. If you're Pinoy kasi, they will think badly of you if you eat alone; if you watch a movie alone, they take pity on you. But there, I learned to fend for myself. The training I got at home—”in terms of house work, cooking, knowing how to live well with other people—served me well in my more than one year in Scotland."
Remoto also took on other scholarship grants as well—a Fulbright aat Rutgers University in New Jersey, as well as Asian Scholarship Foundation grants to do research at the National University of Malaysia and the National University of Singapore. "I was unhappy in the United States because all I wanted to do was to read the news about the Philippines on the Internet. Rutgers was a great school and my classmates as well as the general student populace were kind and bright. But I just affirmed one thing during my stay in the United States—that I can only be happy when I amm back home, in the heat and humidity and the traffic and the unimaginable madness of our politics."
If so, why did he plunge—with wit and humor intact—into th the madhouse of politics? "Because you cannot just complain and do nothing concrete. We are great talkers but bad workers. Because government gives you access to resources that can be used to change people's lives. Like in District 3, there are health centers, but why do the doctors work only half-day, if at all? Why are there no medicines readily available? Why do five students share one textbook? Why do the barangay libraries exist when the shelves have no books? Why are the day-care centers closed? Why are the informal settlers mired in poverty and hopelessness? There is no energy, no dynamism and no vibrancy in my district. We should unleash the spirit of change that will animate the district and wake people up from their feelings of helplessness."
Remoto says he is an Aries, and as you can see by now, he hates life that unravels at a turtle's pace. "If I become Congressman, I will assign people to do spot checks of health centers, of schools, of day-care centers, to ferret out those who work well and those who do not will be kicked out of their jobs. I lived in Malaysia and Singapore for a total of two years, and I was consumed with envy at the sight of their streets lined with trees, at their schools well-stocked with books, at their health facilities and day-care centers that work. We are a bright people, a talented lot, and we should have fewer hours spent on chit-chat and more on work."
This workaholic has published eight books and edited four ones—inccluding the best-selling series Ladlad anthologies of Philippine gay writing. If he wins, Remoto swears to his writer-friends like Jessica Zafra that he will continue writing. "Anvil wants me to write a nonfiction book about my campaign. With the horrible things I have seen and the offers I have received to do this and that, why, I think it would read more like a book of fiction! I will continue to write. My congressional run has stalled proofreading work on Ladlad 3, a book of Filipino essays called Rampa, my Selected Poems in English and Filipino," and his first novel. He finished the novel years ago, at Hawthornden Castle in Scotland, again on a grant, but refused to publish it because "it read more like an autobiography than a novel."
But in this day and age when a “mere†English teacher is on his way to altering the political landscape of the country, a novel that sounds like an autobiography wouldn't be such a surprise.
What really surprised Remoto was the support he got from people from, as the vitamin ad says, A to Z. "The matrons in the rich villages talk to me after Mass, telling me it is about time somebody else ran. The out-of-school youth among the informal settlers work as volunteers for my campaign, using poster color to spell out my name and candidacy at the back of used bond papers. The soldiers and the activists, the gay waiters one street away from my house, the lesbian tricycle drivers—they all help."
Like the candidacies of Fr. Among Panlilio and Dr. Joey Montemayor in Pampanga, as well as the candidacy of Abang Mabulo in Camarines Sur, Remoto's run as Congressman of Quezon City's Third District reminds people of how it was 21 years ago.
In 1986, armed only with their faith and belief in themselves, the Filipino people banded together to overthrow a rich and powerful regime. In the Philippines, several candidates are like a band of Davids who wants to defeat the Goliaths in the elections of May 14, 2007. Danton Remoto—the bbright and fabulous Danton Remoto—is one of them.
Friday, May 04, 2007
What Is Your Daemon?
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Philippine Speculative Fiction Vol.3 - Call for Submissions
I am now accepting submissions of short fiction pieces for consideration for the anthology "Philippine Speculative Fiction Vol.3".
Speculative fiction is the literature of wonder that spans the genres of fantasy, science fiction, horror and magic realism or falls into the cracks in-between.
1. Only works of speculative fiction will be considered for publication. As works of the imagination, the theme is open and free.
2. Stories must cater to an adult sensibility. However, if you have a Young Adult story that is particularly well-written, send it in.
3. Stories must be written in English.
4. Stories must be authored by Filipinos or those of Philippine ancestry.
5. Preference will be given to original unpublished stories, but previously published stories will also be considered. In the case of previously published material, kindly include the title of the
publishing entity and the publication date. Kindly state also in your cover letter that you have the permission, if necessary, from the original publishing entity to republish your work.
6. First time authors are welcome to submit. In the first two volumes, there was a good mix of established and new authors. Good stories trump literary credentials anytime.
7. No multiple submissions. Each author may submit only one story for consideration.
8. Each story's word count must be no fewer than 2,500 words and no more than 5,000 words.
9. All submissions must be in Rich Text Format (.rtf – save the document as .rft on your word processor) and attached to an email to this address: dean@kestrelimc. com. Submissions received in any other format will be deleted, unread.
10. The subject of your email must read: PSF3 Submission: (title) (word count); where (title) is replaced by the title of your short story, without the parentheses, and (word count) is the word count of your story, without the parentheses. For example - PSF 3 Submission: How My Uncle Brought Home A Diwata 4500.
11. All submissions must be accompanied by a cover letter that includes your name, brief bio, contact information, previous publications (if any).
12. Deadline for submissions is September 15, 2007. After that date, final choices will be made and letters of acceptance or regret sent out via email.
13. Target publishing date is December 2007/January 2008.
14. Compensation for selected stories will be 2 contributor' s copies of the published anthology as well as a share in aggregrate royalties.
Kindly help spread the word. Feel free to cut and paste this on your blogs or e-groups.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
The Balik Scientist Program (BSP) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is now accepting applications under the New Graduate, Short- and Long-Term Expert Categories for CY 2007. The Balik Scientist Program aims to accelerate the scientific, agro-industrial and economic development of the Philippines by inviting experts in the fields of science and technology who are Filipinos, or foreigners of Filipino descent, to share their expertise in the Philippines.
The DOST is looking to entice about twenty-five (25) scientists to return to the Philippines to assist in the development of the following fields of endeavor: Alternative Fuel; Biotechnology; ICT; Pharmaceutical (Medical/Health Sciences); and Environment, including Disaster Management.
Accepted applicants to the program will be granted certain incentives by the Philippine Government, such as, roundtrip airfare for the applicant and his/her spouse, reimbursement of expenses for the shipment of personal effects, a substantial housing allowance, etc.
Interested applicants may wish to visit the BSP website at to download an application form, obtain information on candidates’ qualifications and other requirements. All applications should be sent to:
The Program Office
Balik Scientist Program
c/o Office of the Assistant Secretary for Technology Transfer
Department of Science and Technology
Room 206, 2/F DOST Central Office
DOST Compound, Gen. Santos Avenue, Bicutan, Taguig City, Philippines
- or -
P.O. Box 3596 Manila, Philippines
Or thru Fax No. (632) 837-2940; email: / /