Friday, June 09, 2006

Getting Old

What is Age?

The body weakens... we all feel that after a certian age, don't we? 

When we used to lift without feeling any after effects, we now have to hold on to something to support the back. A computer screen that used to hold out attnetion for hours on end seem to blur after a couple of hours.  That racket that teener call music suddenly sounds all too loud.

Yes, we age... physically, the body complains!  But does the mind have to follow?

The mind is willing to try new things, explore new discoveries and experience new sensations, but the body holds it back.  Soon, the mind goes with the body, seeming to give up. 

Some people fight it.  They are those who dream of immortality.  They are the Peter-Pan-wannabes.  Good luck to them, I say.  With medicine and technology advancing so fast, they are definitely getting more and more support in their effor to live and be young forever.  Still, I say, good luck to them!

As the immortal words of Freddie Mercury in that resonating falsetto say:  Who wants to live forever? Who dares to love forever... when love must die...

Everything dies.  Everything ends...even love.  It's the natural law of all things that exist. 

So why pretend it will never end?  Why defy the law?

The end will come, why fight it?


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