Saturday, June 06, 2015

Finding My Fins 4: Basking on my back

So ten days have gone and I can safely say now that I know how to swim -- not the elegant, competitive kind of swimming, but I can float and I can move in the water.

And that's two weeks from being afraid of the water and not even knowing if I could float.

And two weeks after starting from zero, I am now doing the backstroke. Before I started learning it, I thought it was going to be easy. Everyone made it look so easy and relaxing. When I tried it, it wasn't so.

The backstroke can be relaxing IF you know how to do it. In learning to do it, you have to remember several things:

1.  You'll float. Don't worry.
2.  Keep your chin up, otherwise, water will go to your face.
3.  Relax your strokes. If you don't, you'll create waves and splashes and make water go to your face.

4.  Water CAN go to your face, even enter your nose and/or mouth. It's ok. You can blow it out or spit it out.
5.  Do not forget to kick. It helps you float.
6.  Do not forget to breathe, it helps you float too.
7.  Relax your body.  You are naturally bouyant.

Survival swimming, check. Freestyle, check. Backstroke, check.

Do I continue? Ideally I should, but there is the problem of monies... yeah, if I were filthy rich!

#blss #bertlozadaswimschool

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