Thursday, December 07, 2006

Railroading the Cha-Cha

From the e-Mandirigma himself, Mr. Enteng Romano.
Yes, it is disgusting in the way they want to hold on to power...


It's enough to make you revolt, if not in arms, then in disgust.

I refer, of course, to the proceedings in Congress last night where they shamelessly changed the rules to pave the way for transforming Congress into a constituent assembly (Con-Ass), even without Senate concurrence.

The brazenness by which they are ramming their way towards a parliamentary form of government is the strongest argument against it. These are the very same people who will run parliament - concentrating the powers of both the legislative and the executive in one body, and using their numerical superiority to subvert rules and defy common decency.

Why the rush? So they can schedule a plebiscite that they can cheat through which will in turn serve as basis to cancel the May elections; they're running out of time. So they can defer to the demand of their chief benefactor - GMA, who is scared to death of an opposition dominated Congress after the May elections; she wants the elections cancelled at all cost. So they can extend their own term and stay in power without having to spend for an expensive election. You only have to watch the live coverage for 10 minutes to come to the same conclusion.

It makes me cringe whenever they call each other honorable and gentlemen. It makes me aggravated to see Lagman and Villafuerte inflict their antics upon Congress, instead of attending to their constituencies ravaged by one of the worst calamities that hit our nation in recent times. And it makes me wonder how they can muster the gall to blatantly pervert the law for their own ends, totally oblivious of public opinion and mocking all sensibilities.

The answer is quite simple... we have not raised our voices, not even a whimper, whenever they trampled our democratic processes, each time calibrating it with more impunity when they see no resistance from an
indifferent citizenry.

What, then?

You can opt to keep silent, and watch events pass by. Soon, you'll have parliament. And if that still does not satisfy their lust for power, martial law can not be far behind. Whatever the form, the killings will continue,
our rights trampled even more, and more institutions will be compromised.  If you can live with that, fine.

Or you can rise and declare, "enough is enough". At the very least, you should watch the live coverage on ANC (or TFC, if you're out of the country) and be scandalized with the proceedings. And when you're upset enough with what you're watching, you just might build up the courage to go to the Batasan and proclaim face-to-face with the dishonorable men of Congress your utter disgust.

You can also text your friends to watch ANC or join you at the Batasan, forward this mail to your friends, family, and egroups, write/email your congressman or local priest, or simply tell everyone within your sphere of influence that you will no longer take this sitting down. Enough is enough.

We may not be able to do anything to stop a natural calamity like typhoon Reming. But we can certainly do something to prevent a man-made calamity about to happen.

It's time to step up and be counted.

God bless,


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