Trapping a Mermaid
By Ginnie Faustino-Galgana
Karina had always been a quiet child. She never went out of her way to get attention. Once turned down, she backs off. Once turned away, she stays out of the way.
It is not surprising then that, in many ways, Karina loved being alone. In being alone, she could draw and write to her heart's content. She drew fantastic creatures from the books she had read. Her favorite were mermaids and she often dreamt that she were one, swimming in the oceans, going to many places, exploring sunken treasure troves.
When Karina discovered this new thing called "blogging," she quickly took a liking to it. There on her weblog, she created her character -- Euria -- a sea nymph with the tail of a fish and the upper body of a maiden.
As Euria, Karina created a new world of dangers and wonders. She researched online on the beauties of the deep and used them as reference for her new world -- Djupur, the Icelandic word for "deep" -- where she was the alone and living in the sunken wreckage of a Spanish galleon.
The first entry in her blog she wrote:
Dear Diary, my name is Euria. I'm a mermaid.
I often thought I'm not very pretty. All the paintings I've found in the sunken ships show pink women with golden or black hair, fair skin and wrapped in some kind of skin that they change every so often. Their eyes are blue or dark and their lips are red.
Though I have long hair, it's the shade of seagrass green. When light, shines on it, if there is a light, it reflects various colors of the rainbow. My eyes are purple and my lips are a deep shade of lilac. My nails and scales are the shade of dark bluish green, depending on the light and shadows. I have two fins on my breast and a long exoskeleton-like fin running from my nape down to my tail. And my skin is a soft flesh of the color of light bluish purple.
I live in Djupur, deep in the Pacific. I have everything I desire here -- friends who love me, abundant food and toys to keep me occupied.
I often engaged in treasure hunts with my buddies Manta Ray, Octopus and Plecostumus. Or sometimes, we would try to annoy the old Angler fish at the ravine. He is such an old grumpus, preferring to stay in the dark. Though that bright ball of his is really quite tantalizing. His huge fangs are scary so we try not to irritate him too much.
Octopus is the mischievous one. He gets us in the most troubles. Like, one time, he teased the Electric Eel and scuttled away looking like a sea serpent. It was easy for him because he has camouflage! The rest of us had to hide in the sea weeds.
Manta Ray was the adventurous one and loved exploring. She found the most treasures in our hunts, but they’re all just the glittery stuff. They tarnish in time. I prefer the fascinating paintings of the dry world even if they get destroyed after a while. I chose my Galleon home because it had a lot of jars and plates painted with blue and white and many of those skins people put on and change. I read somewhere that they are called clothes but I never really understood what they are for. Maybe they’re just to make whose women more beautiful.
Wrass is the friendliest. He loves introducing us to other sea creatures. He loves hanging around the whales and the sharks especially when he is hungry.
Such were the adventures of Karina as Euria. They were chronicled in her blog as if she were keeping a diary.
Karina had been living as the virtual Euria for a couple of months already, when she noticed that someone had been visitng her blog often. At first, no messages were left. The other blogger merely visited and perhaps enjoyed reading about the adventures of Euria and her friends.
Curious, Karina checked out the other blogger's profile. He's a guy, about two years her senior. There wasn't much in his information for Karina to go with. All she knew was that he was already working somewhere in Makati. And his blog handle was Marbendill, the Icelandic word for "Merman."
Karina's office was in a Call Center in Ortigas. Her graveyard shift gave her an inverted schedule. As a researcher for an online information portal, Karina never had to talk to anyone. All she had to do was provide answers to questions emailed or sent in via SMS.
To bait Merbendill into saying something, Karina decided to write about Euria's sighting of a lone sailor that she admired. She named this sailor Angelis because he looked like an angel with the sun shining behind him as it set when Euria first saw him.
Dear Diary,
I saw Angelis today. He’s a man who sails on his boat. He hardly ever fishes except maybe to have something to eat. Many times, he tosses back what he caught. Maybe it’s because they’re too young or too small for him. Though he did toss some big fishes too.
Anyway, Angelis is a painter who liked going out to sea to find good images for his works. I looked into the boat and saw some paintings of sea storms, ships and sea creatures. He made some good ones of Mrs. Orca with her calf. And the storms looked very disturbed – all dark and turbulent. They were beautiful!
I think he is beautiful. I like looking at him. But I can’t have him see me. I don’t have golden hair or pink skin or red lips. I will probably just scare him looking the way I do.
I saw him sleep in his cabin. Through the window, there was a small light for the room and it shone on his peaceful face. I wonder what he was dreaming of…
Merbendill took the bait and started replying to her blogs as Angelis, writing from Angelis's point of view.
Dear Diary,
This is Angelis. I’m not a writer really, but being alone on this painting expedition, I feel I need to express some things, even just in a journal.
I made big headway yesterday on my painting of the Blue Whale. I actually had a sighting. My digicam is filled with pictures of the whale coming up for air. I hope to see a group of them herding in some plankton to eat.
Over the past few days, I have been having this strange feeling of being watched. But for the life of me, I can’t figure out why in the world I would have that feeling being out here all alone. I radioed in to the closest dock and confirmed the great weather for the week and inquired if there would be anyone coming my way. There isn’t any, of course. Still, it is unnerving feeling this way.
Sometimes, I pretend that there is someone with me and I start talking out loud. It’s a good thing I’m all alone here then. People will probably think I’m crazy talking like that.
As a response, Karina blogged a bold move by Euria on Angelis.
Dear Diary,
I sneaked into his boat today! It was way too early and he was still asleep. I looked at him and touched his face. His skin is soft! But he has this very short hair on his face that felt really rough. I’ve seen him use a blade on that and they almost disappeared only to come back by the end of the day. One time, he even wounded himself and his blood is red, just like mine!
I had to gasp at the softness of his skin. I think he heard me and he moved his eyes. I’m not sure but I think they opened a little. Oh my heart was pounding! So I swung myself out of his boat and into the sea. As I splashed into the water, I heard him stumbling to get up. I’m never going into that boat again!
Dear Diary,
I had the most fascinating dream last night. I dreamt that a mermaid came to me. She was a beautiful creature, very curious and not what I had expected.
I wish could see a real mermaid, if they were real. Are they?
Dear Diary,
He was talking to himself again today while working on a painting. This time, it felt like he was talking to me.
He said, “Hey there little mermaid. How are you? Have you come to talk to me? I bet you are beautiful just like in the books. They also say you sing with a beautiful voice. Oh boy, I would love to hear you sing. Maybe one day I would.
“When I was a boy, my mother would read me stories about you. She said that there are also bad mermaids that enchant sailors until they sail into their deaths. She also said there are the nice ones like the Little Mermaid, Lorelei. She fell in love with a human prince but he was in love with a human princess. Lorelei gave up her fins to get feet from the Sea Witch but she could not kill the prince to get her fins back. So she turned into sea foam.
“Anyway, I really wish I can meet you one day.” Then he laughed and shook his head.
I almost answered to ask about this Lorelei. She sounded real, but I doubt if there is such a thing as a Sea Witch. We’ve got enough problems with the sharks and eels all over the place.
Still, I think I’ll just scare him. One of the paintings in his cabin is a mermaid and she looks just like the people in the paintings I’ve found except that they had no legs and they’re fish from the waist down – pink skin, red lips, golden hair.
I wonder how they expect their version of the mermaid to breathe under water. We need gills down here. They got noses with the holes pointing down instead of up like the airholes of the whales.
I guess mermaids are not real to them. Boy, would they be surprised!
Soon, Merbendill started posting blogs that show he had been finding hints of another presence in Angelis’s boat. Euria took this as another kind of adventure for her.
Dear Diary,
Octopus was at it again today. He actually went into his boat and got me one of those shiny things with tines. Later, I heard him shouting “Who the hell got my fork?!”
So, it’s called a fork! I’ve seen him use it on his food. He pierces his food with the tines so he can put it in his mouth without touching it. Why wouldn’t he want to touch his food? Human are weird.
One day, Merbendill posted only a picture: it was a painting of Euria enjoying the rain on a rock. The caption said it was a painting by Angelis of a mermaid he had dreamed of.
The drawing was beautiful. It moved Karina so much, she sent Merbendill a personal email as Karina and thanked him for a beautiful portrait.
Dear Merbendill,
Thank you for the beautiful portrait of Euria. You made her more beautiful than I had envisioned her. Are you an artist?
a.k.a. Euria
Dear Karina,
I only based it on your blog. You’re a good writer. I practically saw how she looked like just based on your words. Thank you for inspiring it.
Honestly, it is you I should be thanking for all this. I have been enjoying your blog for a while now. I find it playful and imaginative – a refreshing change to the hectic pace of my office.
Yes, I am an artist. I do freelance work for agencies.
a.k.a. Merbendill
That started their correspondences as themselves. Euria and Angelis still continued on the blog, barely missing seeing each other on many occasions. Euria avoided being seen, as Karina maintained that their correspondence and friendship should just remain online. Angelis pursued clues to find Euria as Angelo tried to convince Karina to meet up.
Dear Diary,
I left a painting of a mermaid on his boat today. I made it look like it got washed on board. I rubbed some weeds onto the skin and hair to make her look like she is greenish like me.
He smiled when he saw it and then he brought out that painting of his of me, and he said, “Now, little mermaid, you’ve got a friend to stay with you. And look, you’re both green!” And then he laughed.
I am still amazed at how could remember me in that much detail.
Then he looked out to sea and asked, “O Little Mermaid, are you real?”
Yes, I am, human! But yes, I can’t be real to you. I’m stuff of your fantasies – singing sailors to their death or some such disaster. It’s better this way with you there and me over here.
Dear Karina,
Are you for real? I would very much like to meet you in person. I want to put a face to the person with such a wonderful imagination.
You know what I think? I think you’re a beautiful person. I know I haven’t seen you yet but beautiful stories like Euria’s can only come from a beautiful mind.
I’m not trying to flatter you or anything. I just believe in what I just said about you being beautiful. And I hope I can make you see that too.
Dear Angelo,
I don’t think it would be a good idea to meet up. I like being in my own little world, reaching out only occasionally. This little world has room for only one.
Dear Karina,
Call it a cliché but no man is an island. You can’t go on being cooped up in your little world like that. There are lots more to explore out here in the bigger jungle.
Wait a minute, does “this little world has room for only one” mean that you are already attached?
Dear Angelo,
Hahahaha! I’m the only one in my world, believe me. And I would prefer it to remain that way.
Dear Karina,
Hmmm… aren’t you curious to meet me?
Mind you, I’m no looker. I’m not buff. Far from it. I’m a typical artist-nerd. I don’t even wear anything on my hair. In fact, I have no hair. I used to have crew cut hair because I grew up with that, thanks to my dad. But I have found that no hair far more practical.
How about you? Since you won’t see me, tell me how you look like.
Dear Angelo,
Ha! I’m not going fall into that trap! But all I’ll say is that there is a lot of me in Euria. Though I have a feeling you already knew that.
BTW, have you heard Julia Fordham? I think she is a wonderful musician. I love her Towerblock. Comfort of Strangers isn’t so bad either. I have a collection of her albums and I would love to have them signed by her when she comes here.
What kind of music do you like?
Dear Karina,
Ah, Julia Fordham! She is one of my favorites! I even saw her concert when came here. It’s the one where that guy proposed to his girlfriend right before Julia sang Love Moves In Mysterious Ways.
Towerblock, huh? Shows your personality. Don’t tell me, you like Invisible War, too, don’t you? My personal favorite is Porcelain.
Dear Angelo,
Who doesn’t love Invisible War? I bet your next favorite is Happy Ever After.
Dear Karina,
Yes, it is! Want to see the JF concert next month?
Karina hadn’t watched her favorite singer perform live. Angelo’s offer was quite tempting, but she opted to avoid the topic altogether in the hopes that he would just forget about it.
Karina found herself actually getting more and more curious about Angelo, yet she was afraid that he would not find her to be his liking.
Their letters became more and more interesting as time went on. She found out that he loved reading books as well – fantasy books at that – same kind of music, same type of movies and a few shared interest on TV shows. They shared the same family experience – conservative parents, Catholic schools and siblings who weren’t so bad but had strong personalities. They also both loved the rain.
Dear Angelo,
Rainy days aren’t bad, as many people think. I think it cleanses the earth. It also makes the air cool down into a nice bed-weather.
I love rainy days. The rain helps me sleep better too, for some reason. Sometimes, I would go out in a downpour and walk around. Less people out there and I get natural music too!
Dear Karina,
Hey, I love rain too! But I bike instead of walk. It’s more of an exercise for me. And I do my biking everytime it rains. So you can say I get more exercise during the rainy season. I hate being out there in the sun—under that scorching heat! So I bike at night during the summer.
I sometimes venture out to Intramuros and take in the feel of the old city. The cobblestone pavement hurts my underside but I can always stand on the pedals. Those big churches are so grand! The old architecture feels romantic for me. The Baluartes, though they have sad histories of being prison cells, are such sturdy edifices – very strong to have withstood the test of hundreds of years.
Where do you go in the rain?
Dear Angelo,
I went around Intramuros over the weekend and checked out the stuff you mentioned. It is quite romantic there. I imagined myself dressed like Maria Clara walking around with my parasol in hand, fan tucked on my belt and my train getting dirty on the road.
It must have been so different then when all they had were horses and calesas, and men wore bowl hats and tuxedoes.
I imagined speaking in fluent Spanish as I entered the San Agustin Church. Yes, it was so grand even inside – such faith outpouring from the people letting the church afford such a grandiose spectacle.
I even went in Galleria delas Islas along Gen. Luna St. It’s good to see that local arts is still flourishing in some way.
I saw how you would appreciate the place. Thank you for that (sorta) tour.
Dear Karina,
See? And you found my favorite places too! Did you know that they’re planning to tear down the Metropolitan Theater right outside the walls? It’s so tragic. They don’t make those kinds of architectural showcases anymore.
Another favorite spot is the mini-forest park behind the theater and the Orchidarium. I like painting there. For a place that right smack in the middle of the city, it seems so peaceful especially with all the plants. Those are places I would like to take someone special to, spend quiet moments and just be ourselves in.
Dear Angelo,
The Met?! Nooooooo! Sigh.
I’ve been to the park and the Orchidarium. Yes, they are beautiful places. Quiet. So close to nature. When it’s raining, there are less people there too so you can really be yourself.
Dear Karina,
I think I would enjoy being quiet with you, especially in those special places. I feel like I’ve always known you even when I haven’t met you. Now, when it rains, I find myself smiling because I know you’re liking it too. I cozy up in my bed under the sheets and imagine walking in the park with someone like you.
Dear Angelo,
Yes, we dream. Many things happen in dreams. We become mermaids and sailors. We become free. We won’t need to deal with anyone except the ones we need to deal with.
Dear Karina,
You sound so lonely. You aren’t alone, you know. You’ve got Octo, Manta and Wrass. And you’ve got me. I sense that there is something bothering you. I wish I can give you a hug right now, just to let you realize that. I can give really good bear hugs, you know.
Dear Angelo,
I’ve just received my walking papers from work. They’re downsizing. I guess they got too optimistic about the information portal and over-staffed it. They had to lose some money just to realize that. Anyway, it shouldn’t be hard to find another loner-type job somewhere. Maybe I should try my luck with writing, huh?
Thanks for the hug. It really helped.
Dear Karina,
There is more of that where it came from. Just holler for more, if you like.
Yes, you should try writing. You’re pretty good at it. My friends and I just set-up a new ad agency and we can definitely use someone with your talent. If you want, I can forward them your resume. Of course, we won’t pay as much as a call center, but it’s good and honest living. Just make sure you can withstand the rat-race of the advertising world.
Dear Angelo,
As a matter of fact I have submitted my application to an ad agency based in Makati. Thanks for the offer but I’m pretty much ok already.
Dear Karina,
Wow, you’re really decided on not seeing me at all, aren’t you? Don’t worry, I won’t take that against you. I understand that you’re shy. Just so you know, I’m no monster and I won’t bite…hard. Just kidding. I’m told I’m a nice person and this nice person would love to meet you face-to-face one day.
Dear Angelo,
Thanks for understanding. I feel comfortable writing to you and expressing this much on mails but I don’t think I’ll be as comfortable face-to-face. It would be awkward for both of us.
Dear Karina,
As I said, I understand, but I am still hoping you’d change your mind. You can’t blame a guy from wanting to meet someone as interesting as you.
Dear Angelo,
I have an interview tomorrow! Wish me luck!
Dear Karina,
Best of luck to you! I hope they give you a good deal.
As Karina prepared for her job interview, her thoughts were in Djupur. Euria was smitten with Angelis and was seriously considering showing herself to him, so Karina decided to check the blog and found a post by Angelo.
Dear Diary,
I am now sure there are mermaids in the world. I’ve seen her. First it was a dream. I thought she was beautiful. Her shimmering hair caught all the colors of the rainbow under the sun. Her skin glistened. And her scales glimmered, wet as it was.
She has been trying to hide from me but I’ve seen her. I’ve let her believe that she got away each time but I was just trying to make her feel more and more confident about coming closer.
She has been keeping me company. I wouldn’t be surprised if those paintings that get washed up were from her. Same with some of the fishes I eat. And I bet she had something to do with the killer whale the other day while I was about to dive. I saw the dorsal fin coming towards me. Then it went down and disappeared. Later, I saw the dorsal fin moving away from me.
She’s my Angel, guarding me. I want to thank her, at least. But more than anything, I would love to get to know her better. If only she’d let me.
So Karina posted her own as well.
Dear Diary,
To reveal myself or not. Should I?
There a million reasons why I should not. Yet, I am drawn to him. I want to know him more. I want to touch him again. I don’t want to be afraid of him. But he is a man. Men kill creatures they do not know.
At the interview, Karina was ushered into the room of the Creative Director, a certain “Sir Marlo.” Karina was pleasantly surprised to see the office decorated with seascapes and mermaids. Immediately, she felt an affinity to this man.
As a young-looking man with a shaven head entered the room, Karina wondered why he was smiling so broadly. He walked around to sit behind the desk and continued to smile. He looked goofy with such a big smile on his face. Before saying anything, he placed a CD on his player and then Karina heard Julia Fordham on the speakers. This “Sir Marlo” suddenly opened his drawer and took out two concert tickets.
Marlo then wrote on an envelope, put the tickets inside along with his calling card. He handed it to the confused Karina.
Karina read the envelope. It said, “From Angelis to Euria. I’m sorry for trapping you like this but I’ve been wanting to meet you.”
She opened the envelope and read the calling card: Mario Angelo Rodriguez. The two tickets were for Julia Fordham’s concert that weekend.